Volunteer Opportunities

We'd love your help at any or all the events listed below. Whether in person or donation, click the sign-up link for the event you are interested in and find see how you can help!
In order to volunteer you must have a completed volunteer application/background check on file with the school. You can apply for that here:
Dessert Day

Thursday November 21st

Help us serve various desserts to everyone on campus for PTO's annual dessert day to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday! We need your help to serve every student and faculty on campus. You can donate desserts, supplies, or your time!

Penguin Patch Holiday Store

December 2nd-6th

The Holiday Store provides an opportunity for all our students to do their own shopping for family and friends. Students can shop all week during their library time or when money is sent with them. A catalog of items is available and parents can circle what THEY want this time! Students can bring their shopping list and volunteers will help them shop, purchase, and label and "wrap" their items ready to be gifted!

Holiday Gator Store

First Ever Holiday Themed - December 5th

We will have a one day Holiday Gator Store the first Thursday of December. Students will have the opportunity to shop both stores this day. Gator Store will feature hand picked Holiday themed items geared towards shopping for siblings and friends. Gator Store will be the same expected prices of $5 and under.

Holiday Teacher Luncheon

Thursday December 12th

We need volunteers in various ways for teacher luncheons. Volunteers to donate desserts, salads, drinks, paper goods and other items. We also need volunteers to donate their time to serve as lunch monitors with students so teachers can leave to eat and relax. Sign up below if you can volunteer in any way.

Snack Carts for Teachers

Teacher Snack Carts were initiated in 2023 by the 3 school principles as a way to show their appreciation to their teachers. PTO was asked to help by creating sign-ups based on teacher favorites and asking the school community to help fill those carts each semester. Separate sign-ups were made for each school. If you'd like to donate you can click the link below. Items can be dropped off at the Student Union labeled with the specific snack cart it's intended for.

Stock the Break Rooms

It's time to get the break rooms stocked for our faculty and teachers. We have 7 breakrooms on campus we'd like to stock with some daily supplies. We did a big sign-up at the beginning of the year and you all came through! We will take any donations any time of paper goods, snacks, coffee pods..etc